
Maintaining your Panthers Concrete Tank

Proper Maintenance of your concrete water tank is essential for the safe supply of water. Here are a few tips to help maintain your tank:

  • Once the concrete tank is constructed you must take care when backfilling all around the tank to ensure you maintain its structural stability.
  • Tanks that are built in ground must never be empty. Once the tank is completed, fill the tank with a minimum of 1/3 water.
  • Minimise organic matter build up by cleaning rood and gutters every six months, this should be increased if there are tall trees and heavy bushes around the property.
  • The Tank should be visually inspected every year. If sludge is present in the tank it should be removed. Professional tank cleaners are available to assist with this.
  • The tank must have water in it at all times to prevent buoyancy.
  • Divert overflow of tank away from the tank to prevent erosion near tank.